What are the functions and uses of Github?


What are the functions and uses of Github?

GitHub is a website and cloud-based service for developers to store and manage code, as well as document and control changes. Github is a platform that is very familiar to developers around the world. However, for those of you who don't know the function or how to use it, we will explain some important things about Github.

In addition, GitHub is also one of the world's largest online storehouses for collaborative work. With this platform, you can work together with colleagues from all over the world to plan projects. Well, GitHub has two main principles, namely Git and Version Control.

For those of you who are just learning and entering the world of programming, of course you are still unfamiliar with what GitHub is. However, it would be nice if you quickly find out about one of the shared web host application services that will be very useful for your work as a programmer later.

The method is simpler, some of the functions of GitHub include:

1. Can be used to store the repository.
2. Become a vessel or tool for collaboration and work on a project.
3. Load your profile so you can follow other programmers in this app.
4. Able to monitor certain repository.

The admin will provide an example of the master git repo that the admin has, so that you can learn and develop it again. The link is below:

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