How to Cope With Overcome 100% Disk Usage in Windows

How to Cope With Overcome 100% Disk Usage in Windows

If you have hit 100% disk usage, it means that the performance and usage of your computer or laptop has reached 100% (full storage). This results in slowing down the system when processing commands from the user.

The 100% disk usage problem is often experienced by Windows users, especially Windows 10. However, before Windows 10 arrived, the disk usage problem was present beforehand, and was even rumored to have appeared since Microsoft released it.

If your computer experiences this, don't leave it alone, then I will immediately take further action to solve this problem. Because if left alone, then the disk that is full will not be used again. But don't worry, on this occasion we will provide a solution to this problem.

Causes of Disk Usage 100% in Windows

Many Windows 10 users say that this disk usage problem occurs when they finish updating Windows 10 to the latest version. What's more, in the latest version there is a problem with the drive so that the drive takes up most of the storage space.

However, the cause is not entirely due to the above, it could be that Windows is attacked by a virus or malware, the computer or laptop specifications are lacking, a bug occurs in the Windows OS, disk drive damage, use of flash and java are still old versions, and or due to other problems.

How to Overcome 100% Disk Usage

Before the admin teaches you how to fix it, it's best if you make sure first, is it true that disk usage has reached 100%. To do this, please press the combination key Ctrl + Alt + Del then select Task Manager. Wait for the running process to finish, and you will see information about your disk usage.

OK, follow the method or steps as follows:

1. Search for Sysmain or Superfetch in services.msc. Then disable, apply and okay.

2. Look for Windows Search in services.msc, then disable, apply and okay.

3. Click the Windows Start Menu, then click Settings.
Select System---> Storage---> Select Drive C--->Temporary Files.
After scanning is complete----> Remove files.

4. We return to Home Windows Settings---->Privacy---then look for Background apps.
Turn off let apps run in the background.

5. We open File Explorer---> Right click Drive C---> Properties---> Tools---->Optimize.
Well there are 2 options:
a. For HDD users, turn off (delete tick) Scheduled Optimization. Click Ok.
b. For SSD users, don't turn off Scheduled Optimization.
After that, right click Drive C---> General---> Disk Clean-up--->Check all---> Clean-up system files---Okay.

6. Right-click Windows Logo in Start (Windows + R)---> type msconfig.
Select Services, please turn off services that are deemed unnecessary or useless.

7. After that, click Start in System Configuration---> Open Task Manager.
Please turn off applications that are deemed unnecessary or useless.

8. Right-click the Windows Logo in Start (Windows + R)--->  %temp%
Delete all existing files by simultaneously pressing Shift + Delete keyboard keys.

9. Right-click the Windows Logo in Start (Windows + R)--->  temp
Delete all existing files by simultaneously pressing Shift + Delete keyboard keys.

10. Right-click Windows Logo in Start (Windows + R)--->  prefetch

Delete all existing files by simultaneously pressing Shift + Delete keyboard keys.

Bahasa Indonesia:

1. Cari Sysmain atau Superfetch di services.msc. Lalu disable, apply dan oke.

2. Cari Windows Search di services.msc, lalu disable, apply dan oke.

3. Klik Star Menu Windows, lalu klik Settings.
Pilih System---> Storage---> Pilih Drive C--->Temporary Files.
Setelah scaning selesai----> Remove files.

4. Kita kembali ke Home Windows Settings---->Privacy---lalu carilah Background apps.
Matikan let apps run in the background.
5. Kita buka  File Explorer---> Klik kanan Drive C---> Properties---> Tools---->Optimize.
Nah sada 2 opsi:
a. Bagi pengguna HDD, matikan (Hapus centanf) Scheduled Optimization. Klik Ok.
b. Bagi pengguna SSD, jangan matikan Scheduled Optimization.

Setelah itu, Klik kanan Drive C---> General---> Disk Clean-up--->Centang semua---> Clean-up system files---Oke.

6. Klik kanan Logo Windows di Start (Windows + R)---> ketik msconfig.
Pilih Services, silahkan matikan Service yang dianggap tidak di perlukan atau tidak berguna.

7. Setelah itu lallu klik Start di System Configuration---> Open Task Manager.
Silahkan matikan aplikasi yang dianggap tidak di perlukan atau tidak berguna.

8.  Klik kanan Logo Windows di Start (Windows + R)---> ketik %temp%
Hapus semua file yang ada dengan cara tekan bersamaan tombil keyboard Shift+Delete.

9. Klik kanan Logo Windows di Start (Windows + R)---> ketik temp
Hapus semua file yang ada dengan cara tekan bersamaan tombil keyboard Shift+Delete.

10. Klik kanan Logo Windows di Start (Windows + R)---> ketik prefetch
Hapus semua file yang ada dengan cara tekan bersamaan tombil keyboard Shift+Delete.

For more details, please see the method in the video below:

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